
Posts Tagged ‘embracing change’

Spring is a time to go forward, enjoy new growth both personally and in the wider sense.  I recently came across this quote by Carl Jung and I invite you to try it on for size:

We all walk in shoes too small for us. Living within a constricted view of our journey and identifying with old defensive strategies. We unwittingly become the enemies of our own growth, our own largeness of soul. Through our repetitive history bound choice.
Whilst working with clients in my Cotswold Hypnotherapy practice, where they may be resistant to moving from old “comfortable” outmoded patterns of behaviour, I have frequently referred to them as stepping into the next pair of shoes.  Sometimes new shoes feel uncomfortable at first and it takes a while to wear them in.  Or alternatively we may find changing an old outmoded pattern of behaviour feels instantly more comfortable and suits us.  Can you recall when you have treated yourself to a new pair of shoes how good they felt, perhaps made you feel taller and even more confident?
My challenge to you is to step in and step up and enjoy that feeling of an unrestricted place.

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